Terms of Use

Last updated 23.06.2023

Students of our courses, members of our Community and users of our website must accept the following terms and conditions

Becoming a student of any of our courses

  • When you (the client) join any of our courses including the Strong Mind Course, Flight School, Taster Course, Sample Lessons, Performance Hacks and any future courses you acknowledge the terms as outlined herein, and agree and willingly purchase entry into our courses to be provided with services rendered by Strong Mind, and you agree you are voluntarily entering into a legally binding agreement, including the automatic renewal terms, with Strong Mind, either free, monthly or annual or a one off payment.
  • Client agrees that in joining any of Strong Mind's coaching and teaching products you agree to be emailed by us including our newsletter. You can unsubscribe to this at any time. If you do unsubscribe please be mindful that you may not receive important information about the services you are enrolled in.
  • Client agrees and understands that he/she is purchasing an online course that offers educational resources, group mentoring calls, and a community of like-minded individuals depending on the offer purchased.
  • Client agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions outlined herein, as well as the general policies and procedures that can be found in this agreement, in the course and on our website.
  • Strong Mind's educational resources, courses and coaching is not to be considered a substitute for personalized climbing instruction, sport psychology, medical, or safety advice. Strong Mind's services are not designed to treat any mental, emotional, or other medical conditions. If you as the client believe you may be in need of personalized attention or therapy, whether for mental or physical health, or otherwise, please seek additional assistance outside Strong Mind's services.
  • While most of Strong Mind's past and current clients have experienced wonderful benefits from the content and coaching obtained through Strong Mind, Strong Mind cannot guarantee results from any of the content on in our courses and memberships and cannot make any guarantees regarding individual results. Client will hold Strong Mind harmless if he or she does not experience the desired results.
  • Client also agrees to hold Strong Mind harmless should any physical, psychological, or any other injury occur as a direct or indirect result of Strong Mind. The content provided by Strong Mind on its website, courses and memberships is comprised of information that has worked for Strong Mind coaches and other clients, and may or may not be useful to Client in his/her life. Client understands Strong Mind cannot guarantee results from Strong Mind's services, and has no expectation of a specific result that he or she holds Strong Mind responsible for.
  • Client also understands he or she is purchasing the Strong Mind services and participating freely and voluntarily. The information given by Strong Mind may not be suitable for all persons and all climbing levels, and Client understands he or she may need to modify, edit, or change some of the educational resources within Strong Mind's membership platforms, webistes and courses in order to make it applicable to the client’s personal situation.
  • Strong Mind uses Kajabi to host all online courses and communites. For Kajabi's privacy policy see here.

Payment and Payment Plans

Client understands that you can purchase many of our courses as a one-off payment or as a payment plan. These prices are subject to change. Client understands that the payment plan for the Strong Mind course and other courses is not the same as a subscription and all payments are due to be completed.

Client understands he/she is responsible for the full payment each month or year, and agrees to pay the sum requested electronically, via Kajabi or a designated third-party payment processor of Strong Mind's choosing, in full.

Should client fail to make timely payments, or if additional payments are not able to be processed, client understands client’s access to Strong Mind may be restricted if payment is not made within 1 day of the date it is due. If payment is not made on the date it is due, Strong Mind will continue to attempt to charge client via the site software; if and when payment goes through, client will again receive full access to the membership site.

If payment is not collected, client’s access will remain restricted, and client will carry a balance on her account, showing the payments owed. Client must bring his or her account completely current in order to be granted access. If payment continues to be unsuccessful after sixty (60) days, client membership shall be revoked and permanently cancelled.

Refund Policy

After 7 days after purchase Strong Mind is not able to offer refunds once client has purchased access to Strong Mind  or courses for any reason. If Client is dissatisfied with his or her membership or course, unable to view it in its entirety, he or she may reach out to customer service at admin@strongmindclimbing.com 

If the Client purchases a course and has a good reason to request a refund within 7 days after purchase they will be offered a full refund.

Client acknowledges and understands that changing his/her mind about the Strong Mind's services or products, or not experiencing the results he/she expected or desired, forgetting that they are a subscriber, or experiencing any other similar situations does not entitle the client to a refund.


Sometimes Strong Mind will ask to use a client comment or testimonial on Strong Mind's website or social media platforms. Client does not have to agree or can request to remain anonymous.

Meetings and Q&As

Part of Strong Mind courses will involve joining fellow students in a virtual Q&A. These meetings will usually be reccorded and client will have knowledge of this. This footage can be used at any time for future educational and marketting purposes after the meeting has ended. If you do not wish to have your name and face viewed it's your responsiblity to turn your camera off during the meetings.


When the Client purchases and accesses The Strong Mind Course or any area within the Membership community, he or she will have gained access to various trade secrets, educational resources and intellectual property of Strong Mind, including verbal, written, audio and video advice, live coaching guidance, and/or other information available thorugh access to any Strong Mind's services. Client understands and agrees that this information is not to be openly shared with others who have not purchased a membership to Strong Mind Community or to the Strong Mind Courses or Podcast. Client agrees not to share, copy, or distribute any documents or other proprietary information obtained through The Strong Mind Community or Course, and agrees that he or she will be in violation of these Terms of Use if he or she uses any of the Content outlined as his/her own material, or repurposes and uses the Content in his/her own business or coaching work without express written permission from Strong Mind.

Should Client breach this provision and disclose confidential or proprietary information belonging to Strong Mind Client understands additional action may be taken by Strong Mind up to and including legal action.

Intellectual Property

Client agrees and understands that Strong Mind has created numerous original, creative works and agrees that Strong Mind maintains all copyrights and other intellectual property rights in all original or derivative content associated with or included in all our courses, membership platforms and website, including but not limited to: documents, charts, emails, graphs, products, systems, processes, handouts, worksheets, videos, copy for website and any other original work created by Strong Mind.

Nothing in this agreement shall constitute a transfer of ownership of any Intellectual Property from Strong Mind to the client, nor grant any license to use the information in any way other than personal use.

Safety in climbing activities related to Strong Mind's coaching and content

  • You accept all responsibility for your psychological and physical safety when carrying out any of the exercises, practices and tools suggested in The Strong Mind Course, any part of the Community area or our website.
  • We are not responsible for any consequences in your actions in or out of a climbing setting when carrying out activities related to any content, advice, information or interaction in The Strong Mind Course, website or Community Membership content.
  • There is an inherent risk in all forms of climbing.
  • If you do the fall practice correctly you should be working towards reducing risk in climbing, however, accidents can always happen.
  • If you want to take part in the lead falling part of The Strong Mind Course you must be a competent climber who can lead climb and belay safely and only chooses partners who can belay you safely.
  • If you want to take part in falling on top-rope you must be a competent top-rope climber who can belay safely.
  • If you want to take part in the bouldering part of The Strong Mind Course and you want to do this outdoors you need to understand how to assemble crash pads to protect your landing and understand what it means to give a good spot.
  • The Strong Mind Course and membership platform focuses on the psychology around climbing rather than instructing you around rope, belaying, spotting and crash pad skills.
  • Although this course seeks to empower you with tools to assess risk and psychological challenge, we cannot be there to check what you are doing so you must take personal responsibility for all your decisions in climbing even when related to the activities discussed in the course.
  • If you have any mental health disorders please consult with a mental health practitioner before taking part in this course.
  • Client also agrees to hold Strong Mind harmless should any physical, psychological, or any other injury occur as a direct or indirect result of Strong Mind. The content provided by Strong Mind on its website, courses and memberships is comprised of information that has worked for Strong Mind coaches and other clients, and may or may not be useful to Client in his/her life. Client understands Strong Mind cannot guarantee results from Strong Mind's services, and has no expectation of a specific result that he or she holds Strong Mind responsible for.
  • Client also understands he or she is purchasing the Strong Mind services and participating freely and voluntarily. The information given by Strong Mind may not be suitable for all persons and all climbing levels, and Client understands he or she may need to modify, edit, or change some of the educational resources within Strong Mind's membership platforms, webistes and courses in order to make it applicable to the client’s personal situation.

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