A community of climbers worldwide!

Welcome to Strong Mind

Train your mind
Hours of learning

The values that hold us true and to account.


We believe that climbing and sport in general, should strengthen your resilience and well-being, just as it strengthens your body. Many climbers are missing the psychological benefits of climbing because they are too anxious, fearful and negative. Strong Mind's mission is to empower you with the tools and practices to get the most out of your sport. Whatever your level, you deserve to have the best climbing experiences.


We believe that with the right psychological approach performance and well-being go hand-in-hand. Too often in climbing people forsake their well-being to climb the next hardest thing. It's 100% possible to be the best climber you can be and the happiest climber you can be and Strong Mind is all about empowering you to achieve performance and well-being simultaneously.

Centred on human experience

Teaching in climbing, and sport in general, is centred almost exclusively on the tangible things we can see and touch: "Is your harness done up?" "What can you bench?" "What grade can you onsight?" It's much harder to talk about thoughts, feelings, fears or simply your state of mind in any given moment. Instead of avoiding those areas because they're difficult, at Strong Mind we get stuck right into the big questions and the most complex areas of psychology. Why? Because your human experience matters. In fact, you could argue that it's the only thing that matters. See, look at us being all deep.


Although psychology is a very difficult science, we always aim to be as evidence-based where possible and appropriate. Everything we teach is rooted in research-led areas of psychology including conversational therapies, CBT, mindfulness, ACT and exposure therapy.


Although we dislike cheesy tech terms like 'disruptive', we do aim to disrupt the industry. Performance Hacks and The Strong Mind courses are first of their kind and we're sure we'll be the first to do many more things to come. We believe we can make a positive difference to individuals and also help spread good ideas and information within the broader community.

Hi, we're your mentors and coaches at Strong Mind

We're a small, distributed team, working across the UK and Europe.

Latest News & Resources from the team at Strong Mind

A team of experienced mentors, coaches and climbers working together to help you take control of your mind and reach your potential.

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